The National Governing Body (NGB) for swimming, water polo, diving and synchronised swimming across the 32 counties of the island of Ireland, recognised as such by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport through Sport Ireland and Sport Northern Ireland. We are recognised at world level by FINA, and at European level by LEN
We exist to encourage participation, develop excellence and regulate our sport and have set out our goals in our 5-year strategic plan.
Our legal structure is that of a company limited by guarantee. We adopted the Voluntary Code of Governance in 2013 and were the first sporting NGB to be compliant with the Code.
Strategic direction is provided by our 11 strong Board of Directors, elected annually at our AGM. The Board are supported by the Swim Ireland President who is elected annually in a voluntary position. The operational responsibility rests with the Chief Executive Officer and staff.
Our Manifesto
Everyone has a connection with the water
Toe in the water. Face in the water. Staying afloat.
Touching the bottom. One length without stopping.
Fifty lengths without stopping.
Diving from the 10 meter board, without a toe out of place.
Wading in amongst the horde, without running back out again.
Lying flat on my back. Out to the buoy and back.
Holding my breath. Holding court.
Relaying. Relaxing. Getting used to the water.
Getting fit. Getting faster.

Copyright © 2020 Ireland Water Polo. Website by Sportlomo.